Claire and Chloe Lee ✍️🤓
Chloe and Claire Lee, otherwise known as the
, are sisters, roommates, and best friends. They’re the co-founders of , a platform where you can see what the coolest people on the internet are actually buying through their receipts — so naturally, we have to see what they’re eating by way of their (shared) fridge.What is your fridge philosophy?
Claire: Always have chocolate on hand. And lots of it.
Chloe: Less is best. We live in NYC, so we usually only get groceries we’ll need that day (we go grocery shopping every day lol). It’s easy to over order and overbuy.
Your fridge is always always always stocked with ____.
Disclaimer: We’re about to move, so our fridge isn’t looking the cutest ATM ;)
Claire’s Chocolate Corner. Never a shortage of chocolate in the house. Apparently you’re not supposed to refrigerate chocolate because the oils are precious or something like that, but cold chocolate is too good so we will dispense with that knowledge for now.
Peanut and peanut butter M&Ms
Crunch Bar
Shrooms lol
Chocolate foraged from recent travels (e.g., passionfruit & coconut chocolate from Hawaii, chocolate con aguaymanto (dried golden berries) from Peru, espresso martini truffles Claire’s boyfriend brought her from Hong Kong, you get the gist)
Tons of juice shots (mostly ACV)
Ross J. Barr patches (favorites are Sleep and Calm)
Film rolls
Pocky sticks (strawberry, matcha, and mint)
Lactose-free cottage cheese, lactose-free yogurt, many different types of cheese
Dragonfruits (pink and yellow), yellow kiwis, passionfruits, persimmons
Oat milk and oat creamer
Chickpea tortilla wraps
Top condiment picks, go.
Wasabi. Bonus points if it’s freshly grated.
Coconut aminos
Peanut butter (yes, we put this on everything lol)
Fine, I’ll open it up to pantry too. Let’s hear your favorite snacks / pantry staples:
Cream-Nut (we stockpile)
Grape Nuts
Pitted castelvetrano olives
Chia seeds, flax seeds, hempseeds
Cacao nibs
Coconut flakes
Chocho protein powder from Mikuna
Nutritional yeast
Oat bran, wheat bran, and Scottish oats
Lotttts of honey (especially Manuka, but also got a coconut one from Hawaii last month)
Nora Snacks (every variation)
Korean pre-roasted barley grains (we mix this with roasted corn — tea)
Hot chocolate sticks from TJ
A meal that’s on heavy rotation these days:
Chloe: Really into sandwiches lol. A classic of ours: toasted olive bread from Breads Bakery, turkey, cheese from the Bedford Cheese Shop, avocado, and Mike’s Hot Honey. Our panini maker is in storage but dayuuuum are we excited to get her back very soon when we move.
Claire: I eat pancakes every day of the week. I love anything almond and I love bananas. This recipe is nothing crazy but it marries the two perfectly. + coconut oil FTW. Meal prep it every Sunday. Add Cream Nut, Chocho protein powder, chia seeds, raspberries, and blueberries. Et voila, best way to start the day. The only downside to any vacation is that I’m not able to get my daily dose of pancakes — I realize how crazy that sounds. But they are that good.
Let’s go a little deeper…
What’s the mantra you keep coming back to?
Chloe: Trust the process.
Claire: Perfection is the enemy of very good.
What products / practices are part of your regular mental wellness habits?
Journaling, solo walks (or walks together where we don’t talk), no scrolling unless you’re on the treadmill, (almost) daily Pilates, 8+ hours of sleep!!
And your physical?
See above. Mental and physical wellness definitely one and the same for us.
What do you think is the most underrated part of wellness?
Getting ready in the morning even if you’re working from home. Going to bed / waking up at the same time every day.
And overrated?
Wellness clubs.
Picture this: you wake up one morning and feel like shit. What’s your next move:
Get the F outside as soon as possible. This solves everything.
Give us your ride or die wellness products:
Biologiche Recherche Emulsion Originelle + Environ Derma-Lac (this combo is chef’s kiss)
BR Masque Vivant + baking soda
Fountain pen my brother bought for my bday with “cachet” (my nickname) on it
Benefiber AND Metamucil gummies (lol, GI girlies unite), daily probiotics, GI Revive powder… wow these are legit all stomach-related I’m realizing…
My pink ice roller from Quiet Hours — love her
HigherDose LED mask
Ember mug that keeps my coffee and tea warm all day — UGH the best
Vitamin D capsules
Fem Enhancement bovine/marrow supplements
My sippy cup from Larq (I am at risk for water intoxication)
My journal(s)!!!! and my cute pens from Yoseka Stationery in Brooklyn that make me feel extra cute and spicy
One thing you do everyday that makes you the most YOU version of yourself:
Chloe: 20K+ steps.
Claire: Moving and sweating. Not myself without it.
Whose taste inspires you?!
Friends of friends on the Selleb app ;)
Big thanks to Claire and Chloe for sharing a taste of their lives with us. I personally had a lot of fun seeing a sister duo who’s so close — really reminds me of my sister and me. <3 For more of Chloe, Claire, and all things Selleb, follow them on Instagram, read their newsletter,
, and best of all, download the app. You can find their fridge favorites and more here.Feel free to leave a comment or respond to this email with questions you want asked, people you want featured, or anything else that’s on your mind. Don’t be shy, I love hearing from you.
Sister sister!!!!! 💜
taking notes from that very impressive chocolate stash. And can confirm cream nut is great