Discovering the benefits of PM magnesium was so helpful for me when I was applying to graduate school. I had a stress induced constant eyelid twitch, and magnesium kicked it! 🙏🏻
This is my favourite one so far! I've been crushing on Garance for years now and I'm always curious to get a glimpse of her very elegant, very French lifestyle.
Butter and connection my kind of woman
she's one of us
Discovering the benefits of PM magnesium was so helpful for me when I was applying to graduate school. I had a stress induced constant eyelid twitch, and magnesium kicked it! 🙏🏻
Having that same eyelid twitch now! Taking this as a hot tip to try to kick it.
It’s so irritating. I hope magnesium makes it go away for you!
the eyelid twitch is a surefire sign! I find it so interesting how our bodies try to alert us of imbalances through physical symptoms
Even her hotel fridge set-up while traveling looks chic! Thanks so much for this Q&A, it made my morning – and I now need to try out Doré skincare 😌
i'm so glad! you must — and then you must let me know what you think :)
I clicked on this so fast 😅❤️
ha YAY
Hey thank you so much Katie! So happy to have been included. I'm a fan of yours too!
Truly such a pleasure! ❤️
Love this so muck Katie! Thank you 💚
pleasure is all mine, seriously <3
This is my favourite one so far! I've been crushing on Garance for years now and I'm always curious to get a glimpse of her very elegant, very French lifestyle.
Ahh! She is the blueprint for real
Thank you so much! I'm getting emotional <3
Love this! I’m wondering if it’s an electric steamer (if so, what brand?) or just a basket? Thanks!