Jun 5Liked by Katie Stone

I think wellness gives us a semblance of control in a world where we literally have 0 actual control. And you know what I love that for us.

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Always a much needed reminder. We have no control so let’s have fun!!!

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what a healthy reminder that wellness rarely looks good (in a glamorous pinterest -esque kind of way). the essay was a good way to tie in how low attention spans and the need to keep up with trends really amplifies the lack of impulse control that constantly consuming enables.

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Great point that I didn’t even consciously articulate! Impulse control as a subject deserves a substack series of its own…

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love this. a conversation about how we have a lot more agency as consumers than we give ourselves credit for, is a conversation I'm always willing to have!

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and thank you for having it with me!

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Jun 24Liked by Katie Stone

We should definitely be hanging out 🤓

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Jun 6Liked by Katie Stone

this compilation picture of brands makes me feel slightly unwell to be honest😂

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So true! Loved this read and can only relate.

We recently wrote about how wellness deserves an own, personal definition.

In case you want to read it :)


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I love this, thank you for sharing! Once we have those free “essentials” down, it’s all fun from there

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Aw thank you so much for reading :) :)

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Enjoyed reading this post 🤍

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Jun 5Liked by Katie Stone

the wellness rabbithole is ENDLESS. when I really rile myself up, I'm like, "are the wellness girlies the next blue zone diet??" but then I remind myself that I should find what works for *me* - not just what corporatized wellness brands say will work

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exactly! we can pick and choose what works best for us <3

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Also monthly column is a yes from me!!

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GOODBYE to that recoleta, the new papyrus

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comic sans is better than recoleta at this point

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IBS and antidepressant girlies please stand up

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we stand together

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it's called commodification of wellness, we have written about this extensively.

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